The premise of the game is to complete scenarios by successfully building and maintaining theme
parks. Players can choose many roller coaster types and can also build other rides. The player can
also build their own roller coaster. Furthermore, the player can modify the land and theme of the
park. Players must also satisfy the needs of the visitors by building food stalls, drink stands,
bathrooms, souvenir shops, and facilities, like ATMs, information kiosks, and more. Players must
balance their budget in their expenses and income.
One of the most notable differences from the original game is that RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 features a
more robust system for building structures. In the original game(expansion packs only), the player
could create large buildings by raising the terrain in blocks and then painting in wall textures,
roof tiles, and windows on the cliffs. In RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, the player can create buildings by
laying each piece of wall and roof pieces individually. To make constructing buildings easier, the
player can lock the position of a wall or roof piece by holding the SHIFT key and moving the mouse
up and down to adjust the height. The CTRL key can be held down to lock in the height of a piece.
These changes gave the player much greater flexibility when it came to constructing buildings.
One feature that proved to be quite popular was the addition of a feature that allows players to
import and use user-created scenery items. Another popular inclusion was a scenario editor. Players
can select an objective with no time restraints and no money restraints, creating a primitive
sandbox mode. The game is also licensed by Six Flags to include scenarios based on five of their
real parks. Furthermore, many popular rides in Six Flags theme parks can be used in RollerCoaster
Tycoon 2 but not edited. The game also contains a variety of new themes and music for attractions.
Players can also view park guest status, as well as rename and track guests, by clicking on them.
Unlike the original RollerCoaster Tycoon, where the player had to complete currently available
scenarios to unlock new scenarios, all of the scenarios in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 are available from
the start. In this title, scenarios are divided into five folder tabs (Beginner Parks, Challenging
Parks, Expert parks, "Real" parks, and Other Parks) according to their difficulty and content.
The "Real" parks folder tab contains five real-life Six Flags parks with many attractions already built,
and the "Other" folder with empty versions of each of the Six Flags parks. When creating a scenario,
the player can save the scenario in any of the five folder categories.
As with the previous game, players can upload their saved track designs onto the "ride exchange."
Track designs from RollerCoaster Tycoon and RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 could later be exported into
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (which would render the tracks in 3D for the first time).
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